Too hot

I know. It was too hot and I was going faster than my schedule told me to. But I did make it and if I wanted to create my own mobile shower, I definitely succeeded.

First 5K in years!

YES! I have made my first 5K in a long time. Granted, I had to walk about 50 meters twice, but I am tremendously proud of myself. It wasn’t my easiest run ever, but most importantly, I made it. 😀

After the flu…

After my stomach flu, this was my first run. Decided to push myself beyond the training schedule tempo to see what I could ultimately do on a 3K run. Might need to adjust my schedule a bit now. 😉


Pretty well. I had to pace myself down a lot, which didn’t work. So I finished my schedule 4 minutes early. But I was able to run 3K without walking.

Stok achter de deur

Soms heb je er een nodig. Een doel. Gewoon iets dat je moet gaan doen. Mijn zwager heeft besloten om daarom de Muskathlon in Equador te gaan lopen. Geweldig. Dat zie ik mezelf nog niet doen. Ook al is dat pas eind 2016. Daarbij wilde ik ook iets dat in alle opzichten dichterbij is. Maar… Lees verder Stok achter de deur