At my last session, my physiotherapist filmed me running and noticed my left hand flapping around. So, besides the core exercises I need to do, there were two extra changes on this run. I needed to put tension on my left hand during all of the run. And because we found an interesting fact about… Lees verder Physio workout, holding hands;), Fysio training 3x 5/2
Categorie: Running
Physio workout 6, Fysio training 3x 5/2
The start went reasonably well with less trouble in my left leg, but I am unsure whether that is because of my exercises, or because I haven’t run since Saturday. But pretty happy about this progress. Back to my physiotherapist tomorrow and then we’ll see. I do notice that I wear out quicker. Might be… Lees verder Physio workout 6, Fysio training 3x 5/2
Sprint/run clinic for junior athletes with genuine Olympian ;)
No clue about distances or speeds. The junior athletes of AV’56 got a clinic from Olympian Robert Lathouwers and I was able to tag along. It was fun, but I didn’t really track anything. 😉
Physio workout 5, Fysio training 3x 5/2
Started off with a pretty uncomfortable and stiff left leg. It felt like I was almost limping instead of running. After 3 minutes it got less bad, but I felt it again at every interval start and feel it very well at the end of the run now. :(, Avg Cadence:75
Physio workout 4, Fysio training 3x 5/2
After the muscle aches from last week, I have received new exercises from my physiotherapist. I could run, but would have to be aware that I need to build up. So, for today’s run I toned it down a little and did only 3 5 minute sessions. But happy with the way it went, though… Lees verder Physio workout 4, Fysio training 3x 5/2
Physio run 3, Fysio training 5/2
Man, it was cold. Note to self, when running in this weather, wear running gloves. Phone wouldn’t respond to my fingers. 🙂 Reasonable run. Pace was ok, but my left leg wasn’t. It was as if I had a stick on my left side. Felt my muscles on the top of my leg a lot.… Lees verder Physio run 3, Fysio training 5/2
2nd physio training , Fysio training 5/2
It was incredibly slippery and cold this morning with temperatures below 0 and lots of mist. So I didn’t choose a public road run, but decided to stick to the park and some unpaved roads. Besides having to be careful on the paved bits, it went pretty well. And I think I had more than… Lees verder 2nd physio training , Fysio training 5/2
2nd physio workout , Physio training 5/2
Ok, so my physiotherapist told me that the muscles in my left legs feel like stones, so we need to work on that. I’m also going to get stuff to practice to strengthen my foot muscles. And she told me to run/walk 5/2 minutes. Obviously I mis-set the tracker for the first 5 minutes, but… Lees verder 2nd physio workout , Physio training 5/2
Physio workout 1
You’ve got to take advice. , Avg Cadence:73
Easy 10K, or so I thought, 10K @ 7
After Monday’s 3K, I decided I wanted to do a bit more. So I opted for a 10K, but set my intended pace to 7min/km. Soon I found out I’m not good at keeping schedules as I went too fast. Then, around 8,5km I started to feel my foot again, but at 9,2km that went… Lees verder Easy 10K, or so I thought, 10K @ 7