Feeling like a champ :)

Many things come together in this run. I wanted to go beyond 7K, so I plotted a run around the lake. Completing it and running 8K is a milestone. Even more because of the geographical location than my performance. Then, after 6.5K I started to feel the inside of my feet, bringing home the remark… Lees verder Feeling like a champ 🙂

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Home again , Fysio training 5x 5/2

I started this run tired. Probably because of the meetings of last week. Fair chance the huge amounts of sugar haven’t helped either. But I made the 5x 5 minutes interval, so I am happy. , Avg Cadence:77

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Gecategoriseerd als Running

Havi runnid

It was great Faroese running weather (joking, it was just raining), so I went running with a Faroese friend. I really wanted to run on the hill, but decided against it because I think the climb up could be too slippery because of the rain. We did a fun run and talked for just about… Lees verder Havi runnid

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Gecategoriseerd als Running

Mosbacher Kurzlauf :P

I only had 5 hours of sleep after my call with Japan last night, so I expected it to go really badly and was willing to quit early if needed. But it went ok, so I did 5K anyway. I dropped the pace after three, but generally happy with the run. , Avg Cadence:81

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Gecategoriseerd als Running